3 Key Concepts About Inclusive Design

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(Inclusive Design Research Centre OCAD University, 2018)

Further Thinking…

Although my research has given me a beginning understanding of what inclusive design is, why it is important, and the difference between inclusiveness and accessibility, I still have a great deal left to learn about this topic. More specifically, 2 things I am still trying to understand are:

  1. User Interface Preferences – OCAD Universities’ “flexible learning for open educationwebpage (n.d.) suggests that UI (user interface) preferences can be used as a means to help learners personalize their educational experiences online. However, as someone who is not well versed in the technological side of education, I am still unclear on how exactly this works.
  2. Digitally co-created resources – In general, the concept of co-created resources seems great. However, I personally found the co-created FLOE Inclusive Learning Design Handbook to be a bit confusing. Having so many resources gathered together without a clear guide as to what I was looking for left me feeling like I was drowning in a sea of information. Furthermore, the idea that anyone can add to this resource made me question if all of the information included was accurate and relevant. I would love a little more insight into how these resources are made and should be used.

I am also left with this crucial question about the inclusive design process in regard to my work as an elementary educator…

How do elementary educators realistically and regularly include their target audience in creating digital resources when the target audience is children who may not have the ability to contribute and who are not always around during the design process?

(Bnilsen, n.d.)


Inclusive Design Research Centre OCAD University. (2018). What do we mean by Inclusive Design. Retrieved from https://idrc.ocadu.ca/index.php/resources/idrc-online/library-of-papers/443-whatisinclusivedesign

OCAD University. (2020). The Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. Retrieved from https://handbook.floeproject.org/

OCAD University. (n.d.). flexible learning for open education. Retrieved from https://floeproject.org/

EpicsTop10.com. (n.d.). “Success” [digital image]. Retrieve from https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/photos/6699a365-0b1c-45b6-984c-ca7eec87323f

Bnilsen. (n.d.). “Pensive.” Retrieved from https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/photos/bb960adf-610b-4fec-bdc8-4348b76d20c5